Repost- Lisa Snyder: Monster Mom
Written by: Christina Aliperti
On September 23rd, 2019, Lisa Snyder, 36, made a call to 911. She reported that she went outside for a short time and when she returned she found a horrific scene. Her 2 younger children, Conner, 8 and Brinley, 4, were hanging from a dog lead in the basement of their home. According to first responders, when they arrived at Snyder’s Albany Township home, she answered the door to let them in and she seemed anxious but was not crying at all. They entered the home and went down to the basement.
Both children were still alive and little Brinley was easily taken down and lowered to the floor so CPR could be performed. Conner was then also taken down from the dog lead and lowered to the ground. CPR was performed and the kids were airlifted in cardiac arrest, to Leigh Valley Hospital in Allentown Pennsylvania. Sadly, after 3 days, Conner and Brinley were declared brain dead and pronounced dead.
Lisa Snyder had been telling law enforcement officers that Conner was being bullied at school recently and that he had talked about committing suicide because of the bullying. She said he had even told her that he would have already done it but he was too afraid to die alone. She continued this story, telling police that before she went outside Conner said he wanted to build a fort in the basement, something that he loved to do. She claimed that he asked if he could borrow the new dog lead that she purchased that morning because he wanted to use it to hang blankets over for his fort. When she returned back inside the house and went down to the basement she found a parent’s worst nightmare. Conner had hung his little sister and then himself.
Such a devastating thing for a mother to go through, that poor woman.
But wait! There were some issues with Synder’s sad story. Detectives found absolutely no evidence at all that Conner was being bullied. Snyder’s teenage son said that he had never heard of his little brother being bullied. He also said that his siblings had only played in the basement one time that he could remember; Conner did love to build forts for him and Brinley to play in, but that was always done in the living room with pillows and blankets.
Other family members and friends said the same, Conner hadn’t been bullied at all to their knowledge. In fact, Conner had recently told a family member that he liked riding the bus home because he had a lot of friends on the bus. Conner also had some special needs and his Occupational Therapist told police that Conner lacked the dexterity in his hands that would be needed to manipulate the clasp on the dog lead.
Further investigation led to Lisa Snyder being arrested on December 2, 2019. On Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 District Judge Kim L. Bagenstose ruled that Lisa Snyder should be held for trial on all charges, including two counts of 1st-degree murder, two counts of 3rd-degree murder, child endangerment, tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, bestiality, and animal cruelty.
If you would like to share your thoughts with us and hear more details of this case, including what Lisa Snyder told friends and what she searched on Google before she allegedly murdered her children, and the deviant sexual behavior she was engaging in, head over to our YouTube channel at That’s where you’ll find my partners, Colleen and Fancy discussing all the details of this case and many more. Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you don’t miss any of our videos.
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